Olivia Belanger

Reimagining Local News Funding Leads to a Different Kind of Journalism

Reimagining Local News Funding Leads to a Different Kind of Journalism

As financial pressures push news outlets to take a hard look at their payroll, alternative funding sources have come into play as a way to bolster reporting positions. At The Keene Sentinel, Olivia Belanger holds one of those positions. She leads the paper’s Health Lab, and she said the position doesn’t just add another position, it allows whoever holds that position to do a different kind of work.

Las mascarillas deben ser usadas en público, dijeron los funcionarios de salud del estado  

La agencia de control de enfermedades infecciosas de New Hampshire --New Hampshire’s Bureau of Infectious Disease Control-- le insiste a los residentes del estado utilizar una cubierta de tela en público para detener la propagación del coronavirus, según una guía publicada el lunes, 20 de abril.