opioid settlement

New Hampshire Is On Track To Receive About $310 Million In Opioid Settlement Funds. Here’s How That Money Will Be Disbursed

New Hampshire Is On Track To Receive About $310 Million In Opioid Settlement Funds. Here’s How That Money Will Be Disbursed

After thousands of overdose deaths and millions of dollars in economic disruptions due to the opioid abuse crisis, New Hampshire is on track to receive roughly $310 million to address some consequences of the crisis. 

“These cases are geared toward stopping the next person from dying and to make sure there is help available to them,” said Deputy Attorney General James Boffetti. “It’s meant to help the living, keep them alive and stop this crisis.”

As opioid settlement money reaches region, impact may be ‘subtle,’ yet important

As opioid settlement money reaches region, impact may be ‘subtle,’ yet important

Each week, employees of The Keene Serenity Center provide about 80 rides to people who are in recovery from substance-use disorder through its transportation program. 

Recently, these journeys have included taking someone to Boston for eye surgery, delivering groceries to a person who has health challenges, and helping someone who hasn’t held down a job for ten years get to work each day, said Sam Lake, executive director of the Keene Serenity Center.