“Freedom from Discrimination” Law Impact

“Freedom from Discrimination” Law Impact

Critics say that the Divisive Concepts, or Freedom From Discrimination law, puts a chill on important conversations about race and history in schools. It specifically prohibits schools or governmental agencies from teaching that an individual is racist, sexist, or otherwise oppressive by virtue of their age, sex, or other identity, either consciously or unconsciously. The state legislature is currently considering a handful of bills that would enact changes to the law from repealing it to expanding its reach to universities and colleges. Joining the State We’re In host Melanie Plenda to discuss the issue is JerriAnne Boggis, executive director of the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire; state Senator David Watters; Granite State News Collaborative reporter, Jenny Whidden; and Jonathan Friedman, director of Free Expression and Education for PEN America. Later, 8th grade American History teacher at Portsmouth Middle School Erin Bakkom weighs in with her perspective.