NH producers seek balance between making sanitizer, their original products

Ryan Lessard
Granite State News Collaborative


As newly formed supply chains for sanitizer stabilizes and some non-essential businesses reopen, local manufacturers face a choice between making their own products again or keeping up with the demand for sanitizer. Some are choosing to do both.

In April, when Andy Day opened his new nanobrewery Daydreaming Brewing Company inside his Derry distillery, Doire Distilling, he ran out of most of his beer within the first couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, before the planned launch of his brewery, he had already begun making sanitizer to meet demand in the local community.

Demand was high from the start. He was making it for municipalities and local businesses. And for several weeks Day was filling a 140-gallon per week order for Fresenius Medical Care, an organization that supplies about 70 different assisted living facilities in the area.

“I’ll be here five out of seven days, 24 hours a day, running the still,” Day said.

As a result, he couldn’t find the time to make his own beers or liquors.

Read the full article.

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