The State We're In: Proposed Asphalt Plant Raises Concerns Among Nashua Residents and Community Members

The State We're In: Proposed Asphalt Plant Raises Concerns Among Nashua Residents and Community Members

On this week’s episode of The State We're In, we discuss a proposed asphalt plant near downtown Nashua and the concerns of residents and community members around it. Joining us to talk about the issue are Gabriela Lozada, a reporter from New Hampshire Public Radio who has been following the issue, Heidi Trimarco, a staff attorney with the Conservation Law Foundation, and community organizer Kristy Besada. 

Journalist behind Bear Brook true crime podcast talks about the importance of storytelling in journalism

Journalist behind Bear Brook true crime podcast talks about the importance of storytelling in journalism

On this week’s episode of The Granite Beat, Julie and Adam speak with Jason Moon, the journalist behind many intriguing long-form projects at NHPR, such as the Bear Brook true crime podcast that has been downloaded more than 17 million times.

Election Connection: Q&A w. Anna Brown, Steven Porter , Andrew Sylvia, Daniela Allee, and Rick Green

Election Connection: Q&A w. Anna Brown, Steven Porter , Andrew Sylvia, Daniela Allee, and Rick Green

What are the differences between the candidates for governor or US Senator? Where do candidates stand on the issues that matter to you? The midterm election is next week, and there's a lot of information to sift through. The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda and a panel of journalists and state political experts talk about some of the major candidates and races on the ballot.

The State We're In - Farmers Adapt to Climate Change

The State We're In - Farmers Adapt to Climate Change

The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda is joined by Valley News Correspondent Patrick Adrian, Newport farmers Becky and Ben Nelson of Beaver Pond Farm, and state Commissioner on Agriculture Shawn Jasper, to talk about the impact of climate change on local farmers.

The State We're In - Year in Review

The State We're In - Year in Review

From the pandemic to our economy to schools to local government, 2021 has been a challenging year. With the release of the COVID 19 vaccines at the end of 2020, many were hopeful that the worst days of the pandemic would soon be behind us, but that's not been the case. The virus continued to dominate our lives and local headlines. Sarah Gibson (Education and Demographics reporter from New Hampshire Public Radio), Nora Doyle-Burr (Health reporter from the Valley News), and Matt Mowry (Editor of Business New Hampshire Magazine) join The State We’re In host Melanie Plenda to review some of the year’s biggest stories.

Guía De Votación COVID-19: Cómo Votar Durante Una Pandemia En New Hampshire

Guía De Votación COVID-19: Cómo Votar Durante Una Pandemia En New Hampshire

Si planeas presentar una papeleta de ausencia o votar en persona, o si aun no sabes cómo votar y necesitas más información al respecto, NHPR puede ayudarte.

Los lineamientos de los funcionarios electorales siguen en desarrollo y están publicando nueva información constantemente. Seguiremos actualizando la guía que encontrarás a continuación y haremos lo mejor en ajustarnos a la información que se publica.


Noticias Actualizadas de New Hampshire: 22 de mayo

Se anunciaron 9 nuevos fallecimientos y 67 nuevos casos confirmados. NH llega a un total de 199 muertes y 3,935 casos de COVID-19. Las playas pronto reabrirán para caminar, trotar, nadar y realizar otro tipo de ejercicio, pero no se permitirá sentarse en la arena aun.

Noticias Actualizadas de New Hampshire: 20 de mayo

Con 69 nuevos casos identificados, NH ahora tiene un total de 3,721 casos confirmados de COVID-19. También se anunciaron 10 fallecimientos adicionales. El equipo de reactivación económica permite que los niños retomen sus actividades de verano bajo estrictas precauciones. 

Noticias Actualizadas de New Hampshire: 12 de mayo

 Noticias Actualizadas de New Hampshire: 12 de mayo

Hoy, martes 12 de mayo, en "¿Qué hay de nuevo, New Hampshire?", te contamos que hay dos nuevos brotes de COVID-19. Uno en un programa de alojamiento provisional para adultos en Manchester y otro en un centro para la tercera edad en Goffstown.

Noticias Actualizadas de New Hampshire: 11 de mayo

Noticias Actualizadas de New Hampshire: 11 de mayo

Hoy, 11 de mayo, en "¿Qué hay de nuevo, New Hampshire?", te contamos que se han reportado 3,071 casos confirmados de COVID-19 en New Hampshire y un total de 133 fallecimientos por la enfermedad.